An important and highly relevant case study of this can be found in
looking at the Park 51 Project. The Park 51 initiative involved the
proposed construction of an Islamic community center two blocks from
where the World Trade Center was previously located. It's proposition
resulted in huge backlash. Politicians and protestors spoke out on
the matter, labeling it an “offensive” and “insensitive”
means of establishing a “territorial conquest” of behalf of the
Muslim population (“Park51”). These negative comments and
protests were said to be grounded on the basis of humanity.
However, this high volume upset was met with the powerful force of
the projects supporters. All of those who argued in favor of the
mosques establishment were interestingly not the individuals that
might be expected. Though the opposition defended it's protest on the
grounds that the Islamic center's construction would be “insensitive
to families and memories of 9/11 victims”, many of the members of
the New York Neighbors for American Values coalition who fought back
were in fact family members of victims of the terrorist attack
(Muskus). The unlikely band of supporters claimed that their support
had to do with the protection of the right to freedom of religion and
fighting discrimination based on whatever that religion may be.
The advocating for this proposal on behalf of victims' families is
highly significant in two ways. First, it exemplifies the nobility of
Americans to stand by the moral ideals upon which this nation was
founded. Secondly it demonstrates more than anything the power that
lies in the ability to look at an issue that does not necessarily
involve personal stake or reflect one's individual interests and see
it from a more holistic viewpoint. Non-Muslims who were negatively
impacted by the tragedy acted outside of their own personal
convictions prioritized the maintaining of core, democratic principle
of equality. These people saw defending the rights of one group as
important to the greater good of all individuals, which is exactly
what is necessary to further the social and political progression of
the United States as a nation.